The latest episode of The Daily Drama Podcast — brought to you by — features your favorite fellers sitting ’round shooting the breeze, firing off one heck of an announcement, and diving into General Hospital‘s latest dramatic goings-on.
The Latest Daily Drama Podcast Episode
The co-hosts jump-start the pod with BIG news: they’re going back on tour in April…for four days. What’s more, they’re deep in preparation. Fans who’ve previously seen the two in concert will (most likely) be in for a new format, some new music, and maybe even a good old-fashioned parody song!
That cat out of the bag, their attentions turn to ‘The Demise of Cyrus.’ Was Steve Burton (Jason Morgan) surprised that Josslyn (Eden McCoy) was the one to off the big baddie? Boy, was he! “I think everybody was probably surprised that she’d be the one to do it. I think everybody assumed that Jason would.”
Now, the actor hopes to see GH follow through on its current Joss-centric, Alias-esque arc. He says: Let’s tell the whole story. Let’s let her deal with this fallout; let’s let everybody deal with this fallout. And then send her out [on her next mission.] That’s what I want to see. That’s very similar to how I started my career as Jason with Sonny.”
On the topic of exactly why Drew (Cameron Mathison) so callously left his brother twisting in the wind, Steve offered: “He’s not thinking clearly. He’s got a lot of things going on politically, Willow-y…”
And as for Cyrus’ body, or distinct lack thereof, he could but chortle: “You never know what’s going to happen!”
The latest installment of the Daily Drama Podcast is a rollicking good time – but don’t just take out word for it. Check it out in full, then take to the comments section and share your thoughts. And afterward, why not give Daily Drama’s brand-new app a try? It’s got Burton’s and Anderson’s seal of approval, after all.
Show Notes:
Opening Credits – 0:00
Introduction – 0:12
Tour News – 0:18
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Cyrus? – 12:05
Brother Vs. Brother – 18:37
Logistical Nightmare – 20:40
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