The latest installment of The Daily Drama Podcast — brought to you by — finds hosts Bradford Anderson and Steve Burton pondering a few of life’s curiosities, namely, what set Cyrus down his murderous path, and what’s the best place to get stabbed…on the body. They’re not looking for the most picturesque setting or anything!
The Latest Daily Drama Podcast Episode
There’s a killer on the loose in Port Charles, and that came as a bit of a surprise to the duo. Explained Steve: “We don’t read whole scripts. We do the scenes that we do, and sometimes, you don’t see other people [for quite some time]. [I’ve only seen] Jeff [Kober, Cyrus Renault] [maybe three times] since I’ve been back, which is kind of crazy. So, I don’t know what he’s doing…It was a shock for me to know that this is what’s happening and that’s what happened to Sam.”
Bradford joked that, “I can’t imagine it bods well for the longevity of his character,” prompting his cohost to muse, “I don’t know how you come back from that one.”
The two then turned their attentions to poor, injured in the line of duty Dex (Evan Hoffer) providing Bradford another funny: “I don’t know where I would wanna get stabbed, but that one doesn’t seem to be good.” Steve’s preference? “Maybe the leg….”
Both agreed that, “When there’s something strange, in Port Charles town…who you gonna call?! CALL JASON!”
As for Cyrus motives, Steve proffered: “From what I know, he’s saying that G-d’s telling him to do it.” That said, “Let me just go on the record and say that G-d is not going to tell you to kill somebody, just so you know. Just so we’re kind of clear.”
The latest installment of the Daily Drama Podcast is a rollicking good time. But don’t just take out word for it. Check it out in full, then take to the comments section and share your thoughts. And afterward, why not give Daily Drama’s brand-new app a try? It’s got Burton’s and Anderson’s seal of approval, after all.
Show Notes:
Opening Credits – 0:00
Introduction – 0:12
Itinerary – 1:33
A Killer On The Lose – 5:17
1-800-JASON – 8:02
Latest Stuff – 11:02
Listener Submitted Q – 13:46
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