On Wednesday (October 30, 2024), CBS hosted the cast, crew, and executive producers of Beyond The Gates, its upcoming daytime drama series — slated to premiere in early 2025 — for a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the show’s soundstages outside of Atlanta, GA. A table read of the opening episodes followed.
Beyond The Gates – Celebration Station
In addition, the inaugural ensemble entrusted signed scripts and letters to their future selves to a time capsule that will be encased on the series stages for future retrieval. Physical production is set to commence on Friday, November 1.
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CBS executives Eric Kim, Amy Reisenbach, David Stapf, and Tiffany Smith-Anoa’i joined the cast for the momentous occasion. Seven of the eight named executive producers of the sudser were also present: Anna Saalfeld, Kimberly Doebereiner, Sheila Ducksworth, Julie Carruthers, Leon W. Russell, Derrick Johnson, and Michele Val Jean, who created Beyond The Gates and will serve as showrunner.
All About Beyond The Gates
Per the official synopsis:
Beyond the Gates is set in a leafy Maryland suburb just outside of Washington D.C., and in one the most affluent African American counties in the United States. Here you’ll find a posh gated community with winding tree-lined streets and luxurious mansions to call home.
“At the center of this community are the Duprees, a powerful and prestigious multi-generational family that is the very definition of Black royalty. But behind these pristine walls and lush, manicured gardens are juicy secrets and scandals waiting to be uncovered. And those that live outside these gates are watching closely. These are the places where our characters live, love, work, and play. Those who have ‘made it’ and those who haven’t are all trying to navigate life … and some with more grace than others.”
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