Wally Kurth (Justin Kiriakis) and Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart Kiriakis) are the latest Days of our Lives cast members to be put to the test — who made the grade, and who had an off-camera crew member catcalling?
Wally Kurth Vs. Judi Evans
Kurth and Evans were handed double-sided placards, one bearing their respective character’s name, the other their alter-ego’s love. Then came a quick-fire round of questions. Questions such as, “Who said ‘I love you’ first?” “Who is more romantic?” and “Who would be more adventurous?”
Both agreed wholeheartedly that it was Justin who was the king of the romantic gesture. As for the first question, there was some playful debate as to whether or not Justin had even uttered the phrase to overly affectionate and effusive Bonnie. “Say it [now],” demanded Evans. “NOPE, doesn’t sound familiar.”
The latter question proved to be the gift that kept on giving. Not only did it engender relatively serious discourse on how the couple complements each other best — Evans mused that Bonnie brings out Justin’s long dormant wild side — it led to some seriously hilarious off-the-cuff, off-screen comments.
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